Hi guys
@jrockowitz, the line you told me is on the code of the module yet
@mubasshir-khan, I won't create a custom module, I would like to use the default code in web/modules/contrib/webform/js/webform.element.telephone.js
To be complete, the contrib webform module have the webform.element.telephone.js with
var options = {
// The utilsScript is fetched when the page has finished.
// @see \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformElement\Telephone::prepare
// @see https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input
utilsScript: drupalSettings.webform.intlTelInput.utilsScript,
nationalMode: false
// Parse data attributes.
if ($telephone.attr('data-webform-telephone-international-initial-country')) {
options.initialCountry = $telephone.attr('data-webform-telephone-international-initial-country');
if ($telephone.attr('data-webform-telephone-international-preferred-countries')) {
options.preferredCountries = JSON.parse($telephone.attr('data-webform-telephone-international-preferred-countries'));
options = $.extend(options, Drupal.webform.intlTelInput.options);
in this script I want to inject my custom setting
g.rocchini โ created an issue.
g.rocchini โ created an issue.
I update the status by myself.
The problem was for the hosts config. I was working with different port on same IP, and was not working.
Managing it with different url all work fine.
g.rocchini โ created an issue.
I have the same problem, and with the patch of #66 all work fine for the link managed by CKEditor.
But if I use the Linkit widget for a link field, the proble is still here.
So, here you can find my patch suggestion.
Please let me know if anybody else have this problem
g.rocchini โ created an issue.
g.rocchini โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.