πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @jimafisk

Account created on 11 November 2013, about 11 years ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jimafisk

Thanks so much @tomdewild!! Your answer in #6 seems to have fixed our issue!

I swapped out the UUID you listed for the one found in config/default/user.role.anonymous.yml.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jimafisk

Here are some details about the state of things leading up to the error (before attempting the 8.7.x upgrade):

Drupal version: 8.6.16.

Running lando drush updb returns [success] No pending updates.

Running lando drush entup using devel_entity_updates β†’ returns

The following updates are pending:

comment entity type : 
The User ID field needs to be updated.
media entity type : 
The Authored by field needs to be updated.
taxonomy_term entity type : 
The Taxonomy term entity type needs to be updated.
The Revision ID field needs to be uninstalled.
The Default revision field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision translation affected field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision create time field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision user field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision log message field needs to be uninstalled.
menu_link_content entity type : 
The Custom menu link entity type needs to be updated.
The Revision ID field needs to be uninstalled.
The Default revision field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision translation affected field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision create time field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision user field needs to be uninstalled.
The Revision log message field needs to be uninstalled.

Completing the command by typing "yes" returns the following error:

In DevelEntityDefinitionUpdateManager.php line 169:
The entity schema update for the taxonomy_term entity type requires a data migration.

In the database there are tables that look like this:


If I try to upgrade to 8.7 anyways without resolving these entity issues, after the upgrade I get the 'entity:user' context is required and not present error in the browser for anonymous users. Running lando drush updb still returns [success] No pending updates. but lando drush entup now only returns:

The following updates are pending:

comment entity type : 
The Entity type field needs to be updated.
The Comment field name field needs to be updated.

Now I can successfully run those entity updates using devel_entity_updates β†’ but the 'entity:user' context is required and not present error for anonymous users remains.

I have also tried restoring a MySQL backup from mid April and re-running lando drush updb for the 8.6.16 database updates, which runs:

------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Module        Update ID           Type            Description                                                         
------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 field_group   8301                hook_update_n   Set the `region` portion of each field group.                       
 salesforce    8005                hook_update_n   Convert legacy oauth credentials to new auth plugin config.         
 salesforce    8006                hook_update_n   Convert legacy token to new auth plugin config.                     
 system        fix_jquery_extend   post-update     Clear the library cache and ensure aggregate files are regenerated. 
------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

After that lando drush entup returns [success] No entity schema updates required [success] Finished performing updates. But I still get the same The 'entity:user' context is required and not present. error in the browser when trying to upgrade to 8.7.x with lando composer update drupal/core webflo/drupal-core-require-dev --with-dependencies.

Running lando drush updb at this point (after the 8.7 upgrade using the backup) performs:

------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Module              Update ID                                       Type            Description                                                                  
------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 system              8701                                            hook_update_n   Remove the unused 'system.theme.data' from state.                            
 system              8702                                            hook_update_n   Add the 'revision_translation_affected' entity key.                          
 comment             8700                                            hook_update_n   Set the 'owner' entity key and update the field.                             
 comment             8701                                            hook_update_n   Make the 'entity_type' and 'field_name' comment fields required.             
 file                8700                                            hook_update_n   Set the 'owner' entity key and update the field.                             
 media               8700                                            hook_update_n   Set the 'owner' entity key and update the field.                             
 node                8700                                            hook_update_n   Set the 'owner' entity key and update the field.                             
 taxonomy            8701                                            hook_update_n   Add an index on the 'taxonomy_term__parent' field table.                     
 comment             add_ip_address_setting                          post-update     Add comment settings.                                                        
 media               enable_standalone_url                           post-update     Keep media items viewable at media{id}.                                      
 menu_link_content   make_menu_link_content_revisionable             post-update     Update custom menu links to be revisionable.                                 
 system              add_expand_all_items_key_in_system_menu_block   post-update     Initialize 'expand_all_items' values to system_menu_block.                   
 system              clear_menu_cache                                post-update     Clear the menu cache.   @see https:www.drupal.orgprojectdrupalissues3044364  
 taxonomy            make_taxonomy_term_revisionable                 post-update     Update taxonomy terms to be revisionable.                                    
 taxonomy            remove_hierarchy_from_vocabularies              post-update     Remove the 'hierarchy' property from vocabularies.                           
 views               exposed_filter_blocks_label_display             post-update     Update exposed filter blocks label display to be disabled.                   
 views               make_placeholders_translatable                  post-update     Rebuild cache to allow placeholder texts to be translatable.                 
------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

This completes successfully, and there are no pending entity updates, but the error remains for anonymous users.

Thank you for the help!

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