πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia @asdinnie

Account created on 19 October 2013, over 10 years ago

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πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia asdinnie

After a few days of this issue driving me nuts and wasting hours of time...

I tried saving this page today after editing it and it worked!
This is without me doing anything to the website or the webserver.

To quote Blazing Saddles: "We are very confused".

I have absolutely no idea how it got fixed.
But I am happy that I can now get around this problem... at least for the meantime!

πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia asdinnie

Hi Devashish

Thanks for your quick response.

I have done as suggested & replaced the actual files in the [insert_block] module (after the backup of module files & db).
It now got past that error message. Many thanks for this.

I then had another related warning message with the [imce] module which I resolved using the same technique.
This was because it too has not been upgraded to the CKEditor5 compatible version.
It does say ^9.3 || ^10 so I'm hoping that 9.5 is okay with it!  I have tested the editor and it seems okay.

I am still a little confused why some of these modules are not showing up as having upgrades available in the usual Drupal module update sections.
BTW the insert_block module did say beta but was advised as the version to use by the developers.
Can you or anyone explain why this issue of missed module upgrades happens?
It does consume a fair bit of time tracking down and getting these issues sorted.

Many thanks again,


πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊAustralia asdinnie

Hi slewazimuth

Thanks very much for the reply.
Apologies for my late reply.  It was a very busy weekend...

I have found & got the Claro theme going now, thanks.
It looks good and is very usable as an admin theme.

I have still got a problem with the Advanced HTML Editor setup though.

Drupal is warning me that the Insert Block filter is not okay with CKEditor5.

Error message

CKEditor 5 only works with HTML-based text formats. The "Insert blocks" (filter_insert_block) filter implies this text format is not HTML anymore.
I am using the Insert Block module [ https://www.drupal.org/project/insert_block β†’ ] on my 9.5.3 site and it is enabled for Full HTML.
I  have looked this module up and it has been updated to a newer release which should be CKEditor5 compatible.
However I suspect my Drupal install has not updated this module. 
It doesn't appear in  the list of of available modules ( Administration | Reports | Available updates  ]
It should be compatible with 9.5.x (& 10.x) so that's not the issue.
Drupal reports the version installed as 8.x but the installed files in the Drupal install are older than the latest tar archive release .
The PHP code in the archive also looks different.
Is there a way to force Drupal to update/replace this module without using Composer? 
Composer is not yet in use on my site (due to shared hosting config, etc.).
I  cannot uninstall the module and reinstall it as the filter is in use.
Any help here will be gratefully appreciated and keep some hair on my head!
Many thanks again,
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