franz65 โ created an issue.
I'm sorry I didn't see your answers to my issue. I tried the dev version creating two different vocabularies and it works perfectly. Thanlks a lot.
The only one thing that still isn't working is the automatic enabled flag in new content if I choose the possibility to enable/disable glossary. The glossary is always disabled inside the new content.
Thanks a lot again
franz65 โ created an issue.
franz65 โ created an issue.
franz65 โ created an issue.
Franz65 โ created an issue.
Thanks for your answer but the module doesn't help. It starts an ajax refresh of the page, but the content doesn't change.
I see on this page that should exists a table called taxonomy_vocabulary that isn't present in my database.
These are some results form select on db where the term 318 works correctly and the term 317 doesn't work:
fe2022drupal=# select * from taxonomy_term_data where tid=318;
tid | revision_id | vid | uuid | langcode
318 | 321 | luoghi | 006bb5f9-b480-4b34-8850-f081bb6d4f7d | it
(1 row)
fe2022drupal=# select * from taxonomy_term_data where tid=317;
tid | revision_id | vid | uuid | langcode
317 | 320 | prova | af6d9b39-085d-499e-a7ef-1d3f594e3537 | it
fe2022drupal=# select * from taxonomy_term_field_data where tid=317;
tid | revision_id | vid | langcode | status | name | description__value | description__format | weight | changed | default_langcode | revision_translation_affected | content_translation_source | content_translation_outdated | content_translation_uid | content_translation_created
317 | 320 | prova | it | 1 | b |
descrizione di b รจ qui
\r+| basic_html | 0 | 1684233890 | 1 | 1 | und | 0 | 1 | 1684232354
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(1 row)
fe2022drupal=# select * from taxonomy_term_field_data where tid=318;
tid | revision_id | vid | langcode | status | name | description__value | description__format | weight | changed | default_langcode | revision_translation_affected | content_translation_source | content_translation_outdated | content_translation_uid | content_translation_created
318 | 321 | luoghi | it | 1 | luogo di prova |
luogo di prova
\r+| basic_html | 0 | 1684235151 | 1 | 1 | und | 0 | 1 | 1684235151
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
I don't see anything different between the two terms that could justify the different behavior.
Where else should I search?
Someone can help please?
The watchdog table in postgresql reports errors of this kind:
3202994 | 1 | page not found | @uri | a:1:{s:4:"@uri";s:21:"/it/taxonomy/term/317";} | 4 |
I checked taxnomy term tables and I don't see anything strange.
How does Drupal check the existance of an URL? How does it decide if an url exists or not in the case of taxonomy temrs? If it looks up the taxonomy_term tables it should find all the terms because I see them listed there.
I deleted all url redirects and url aliases, uninstalled pathauto, but nothing changes.
The only one thing that makes some changes is uninstall fontyourface, that makes work one of the vocabularies that didn't work, but makes the other not working.
Nowo nly one vocabulary works correctly, all the other taxonomy terms give "page not found" when I try to view them. Edit page works correctly.
Don't ask me why, but uninstalling fontyourface made some of the the vocabularies work.
Now the vocabularies with a pathauto setting and url alias work regularly, but stopped working the vocabularies with normal defualt path as /taxonomy/term/222
Are there any redirects or aliases involving these paths?
I deletetd all url alias and url redirect, uninstalled the modules. The problem remains.
I tried using a backup, everything works fine till I touch the cache. Than the problem comes back. I deleted all url alias and uninstalled pathauto, but the problem persists.
Is there a way to have a more detailed log than those in the admin interface?
I uninstalled pathauto, but the problem persists
Yes, pathauto is in use on the site
Franz65 โ created an issue.