🇫🇷France @olorin.fr

Account created on 8 June 2013, over 11 years ago

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🇫🇷France olorin.fr

The problem is still present on my site migrated from Drupal 7 when I update the drupal 10.3.6 release (from version 10.2.7)

I have not installed Custom breadcrumbs module mentioned above

Can we expect a fix in an official update?

🇫🇷France olorin.fr

I have the same problem with versions 10.3.0 and 10.3.1. My site remains in 10.2.7 until this problem is resolved.
I can send you a site + database with the problem via Google Drive if that's OK?
Best regards,

🇫🇷France olorin.fr

Yes, it is a multistep form.

My form (HTML part) is built inside an Ajax callback and I can display it in my modal, but the submit button reload the page instead of make Ajax actions / events.

I think it is a problem to attach Drupal ajax events to my submit button. I tried to use in my js Drupal.behaviors and Drupal.attachBehaviors but it doesn't work.

In drupal 7, it was possible with:

drupal_add_library('system', 'jquery.form');
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.form');
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax');


        url: 'url/my-form-html',
        data: {},
        dataType: 'html'
.done(function(result) {
  Drupal.attachBehaviors(document, Drupal.settings);
🇫🇷France olorin.fr

Where did you read that I was talking about entities types?
I never said anything about content types and fields (they work and the "Content" checkbox was already enabled in my case). I'm talking about the part above "Custom language settings". For example to activate translations on others components (menu, ...).

🇫🇷France olorin.fr

I use "Flush all cache" on the admin toolbar menu provided by Devel module. So, I can run it on admin pages or front pages.

My function formatHTMLforPDF($application) is called on front page only. And yes, If I clear cache on an admin page, the theme seems to be kept in the cache in my function.

Can I use a full template (like html.html.twig) with a selected theme from another theme? Could I create a basic theme to stylize my PDF files?

If I use a template from render, I don't have my css loaded for my html to pdf conversion. And inline CSS is not allowed by Drupal anymore

BareHtmlPageRenderer seems to be the unique way to get full HTML output.

🇫🇷France olorin.fr

I have the same problem

How do you get the HTML from a template in your new basic theme? 
Because when you call up a template, either the admin template or the template for the active theme is loaded. Do you never choose the theme?

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