g4mbini β created an issue.
Is it a UI Suite DaisyUI issue or DaisyUI issue ?
In case of second option I invite you to post an issue there: https://github.com/saadeghi/daisyui ...
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
Issue solved in 5.0.0-beta.9 version of CDN
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
Posting github issue as follow-up: https://github.com/saadeghi/daisyui/issues/3508
Hello @paddy_deburca
Can you provide a MR with the file safelist.txt containing all necessary class in /assets/compilation/ folder ?
And maybe add some documentation in section "Manually: install Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI with NPM" at https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ui_suite_daisyui/-/blob/5.0.x/README.... ?
I filled other issues upstream on DaisyUI's github.
Some utility classes are not present in CDN package. Maybe that's the case for this join component. Let's wait Pouya's answer on github :)
Did you try Join component with your own Tailwind/DaisyUI build ?
Fixed in readme file ! Thanks for pointing it out ;)
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β changed the visibility of the branch 3508242-5.0.x-alpha2-wrong-variants to hidden.
g4mbini β created an issue.
Hello @paddy_deburca ,
One of the main goal of this theme is to promote display building and no-code mapping between data and design elements. So the main persona here is Site Builder.
It's important that this type of users who install the theme have directly a good visual experience and already built-in configs. That being said, I will keep the CDN libraries by default (and why not ship a DaisyUI CSS library already built that we can switch with theme settings).
Other users like developers, are for most them already confortable with build processes (SASS, Tailwind, ...) so I guess they know how to do that, right ?
IMHO, build process tools shouldn't be shipped inside the theme, but well documented instead, in the README or in the incoming htdocs.
Do you want to take care of that ?
Hello @paddy_deburca
Thanks for posting this issue.
I understand the need as in branch 4.0.x I used the safelist key in tailwind.config.js to address that.
At that time, I first added comments including explicit classes, in all twig files where those classes were created dinamically. I was really not happy with that, so when I found the safelist, I used it right away as I prefered an "all in single file" solution.
That being said, you'll understand I don't want to create many additional twig files to address that. What I will do is following the current recommendation of the creator of Tailwind :
... I would just recommend creating a safelist.txt file somewhere that has all the classes you want to safelist and Tailwind will automatically scan that and include them. ...
(cf. )https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/14462#discussion...).
I'm not sure what solution to implement:
- Provide this safelist file in the theme
- OR document it ...
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
g4mbini β created an issue.
Done during DaisyUI5 port.
Done during DaisyUI5 port.
Done during DaisyUI5 port.
Done during DaisyUI5 port.
Done during DaisyUI5 port and π [5.0.x] Update Button component Active