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while the resolutions are all out of wack (thank you for that) bash: polymer: command not found is a bash level error indicating that polymer isn't installed (probably related to what you are saying). You could try

npm install --global polymer-build


npm install --global polymer-cli

and see if that helps. Regardless I am actively filing this in our issue queue and looking into it so thank you for the report.

thank you for the report. I haven't updated the build routine version numbers for some time so clearly have to do that. We are aware of the CORS issue on our CDN build script and need a cloud engineer to review. has a working copy of the build (build directory) and build.js file.

If you could give me the error output of the yarn install I can start making it work for drupal and update all the surrounding integrations

@pinkonomy - yes and no. It would probably be best to take some dumb components (design specific) and use them as the basis to wire into smart components (drupal specific). There are many out there but the two I think are the most well developed as far as providing reusable pieces that are within a specific design system they'd be:

Both are built on top of Lit and are very small as a result.

@cosmicdreams is correct that Drupal has a methodology for organizing and loading these assets.

no. You are welcome to pick up and maintain if interested but honestly this is a solution best left to microservices as opposed to monolithic php libraries to integrate with and process.

Production build 0.69.0 2024