robgreeniowa β created an issue. See original summary β .
Echoing #92, my taxonomy term pages are practically uneditable because Drupal 10 loads ALL the taxonomy terms into the Parent Terms section of the "Relations" box. It can handle 10K terms, but not the 95K terms in my large database of university newspaper articles. The Flat Taxonomy module would theoretically work by removing the Parent Terms selector from each term page entirely...unfortunately, on larger vocabularies, the server runs out of CPU and RAM before it complete the execution.
This wasn't an issue for me in Drupal 7 -- on those taxonomy term edit pages, the entire vocabulary was not called up.
If the fix that was applied to Core for the Taxonomy Oveview page was also applied to the taxonomy term page template, that should resolve the problem. Or at least to set the code to not load the entire vocabulary list if more than "X" number of terms in the list (maybe 10K?).
Thank you for considering -- Drupal should be a great system for handling large amounts of data, but this is a huge achilles' heel.
#16 worked for me; using Bootstrap sub-theme