penyaskito → credited dpavon → .
I might be facing this issue, and can maybe provide more info:
The error in JS is truly a 404 exception that is caught by the JS main.bundle.js. This is triggered due to the checkbox of selecting the existing activity in the sidebar using url: "https://DOMAIN/module/19/add-activity/57/group/DOMAIN,opigno_module,19,i..."
As you can see, this is not a proper url since this routing should be:
path: '/module/{opigno_module}/add-activity/{opigno_activity}/group/{group}'
This "group" variable is then not properly handled by the JS app, since I would expect a numeric ID to be present on the group. I would assume the error is around this file:
* "opigno_group_manager/ng/src/app/activities/activities.service.ts"
Probably here, or whoever is passing that "group" variable:
addActivity(moduleId, activityId): Observable<any> {
const group = this.getParams(window.location.href, 'group');
return this.http
.get(this.apiBaseUrl + this.appService.replaceUrlParams(this.addActivityUrl, { '%opigno_module': moduleId, '%opigno_activity': activityId, '%group_id': group }))
.map(response => response.json() as any);
But this is all guessing, since I'm not sure how to debug the JS app easily.