Worked for me too. Thanks
Thank you jurgenhaas → your reply was spot on. I followed your documentation and successfully accomplished the task.
A couple of things I had to do was use [user:uid]
in the Views: Execute query arquments instead of uid
and I also had to add the Pre-configured: Save content action in addition to the Promote content
as by itself the promote action does not autosave like the Publish
action does.
Kind regards,
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
Apologies for the late reply.
Only these options are available in Search API "Add fields to index"
(-) Office Hours (field_office_hours)
- All day (field_office_hours:all_day)
- Comment (field_office_hours:comment)
- From (field_office_hours:starthours)
- To (field_office_hours:endhours)
Weekday (field_office_hours:day)
There is no status field and as such cannot index whether the content type is Open or Closed which would be a useful facet.
Also noticed that in the Skipped fields section
The following fields cannot be indexed since there is no type mapping for them:
Office Hours (type "field_item:office_hours")
Not sure if this is related.
This worked for me too. Thank you.
Thanks for the swift reply. Unfortunately the patch didn't work. Still getting the same error. Please note that my Drupal version is 10.2.3 and PHP 8.1
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
Have you initialised them?
What worked for me was to include the following in my custom js file.
const tooltipTriggerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]')
const tooltipList = [...tooltipTriggerList].map(tooltipTriggerEl => new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl))
as stated on the docs
Thanks this fixed it.
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
Thank you.
This works as intended now while you are within the limits, but when the total limit of all content types is now reached, instead of a 403 as it now should the "node/add" page shows the Add content page with the message "You have not created any content types yet. Go to the content type creation page to add a new content type."
This can be very confusing to the user.
Thank you, this works but it also bypasses normal node permissions, and as such all content types are visible with create privileges now, unless a limit is also added for that content type.
mellowtothemax → created an issue.
Apologies for the delay. Thank you for your suggestions. I can confirm that for the path `/taxonomy/term/%` it does record it and #4 works for additional view modes.
Just an update, the problem seems to affect the taxonomy term when the TVI module is used with a custom view. Not sure if this is something for this module or TVI however to be addressed.
Any advise would be welcome.
#7 does not apply on version 1.4