🇦🇺Australia @lambch

Account created on 27 September 2012, almost 12 years ago

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🇦🇺Australia lambch

I found this thread while trying to work through a similar issue.

Going to leave this comment in the hope it helps others with similar problems (or it may even help the OP).

In my case - when updating a user's roles - notifications would appear when expected, however the notification would only ever list the user's most senior role in the place of the [role] token.

I tracked it down to basically being set by the order in which I drew the arrows coming out from the exclusive gateways. Draw the arrows in different orders and you may get strange results.

So when looking at the exported yaml. Compare the incorrect:

    type: 0
        id: Activity_1fyvngi
        condition: ''
        id: Gateway_17p519o
        condition: Flow_14743br

To what it should be:

    type: 0
        id: Activity_1fyvngi
        condition: Flow_14743br
        id: Gateway_17p519o
        condition: ''

Swapping the order of the successors around made things work correctly.

The 'compare two scalar values' check was being interpreted as truthy, however as the first successor condition to 'Drop first off the list of roles' was being looped until the last role remained - it was this last role what ended up being passed through to the next step as the token.

Hope this helps

🇦🇺Australia lambch

Looks good. Nice fix. Thank you for preparing the patch.

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