πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΎBelarus @cureheaded

Account created on 8 August 2012, almost 12 years ago

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πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΎBelarus cureheaded

@Wombatbuddy: first of all thx for your attention to my problem.

member has a personal iframe available (content includes their name and the link links to their personal page (view) on my site).

Yes sorry that is not so clear! I meant a personal html page with a logo and their name and linking url to their personal page on my site.

Possible WORKFLOWs

- 1: on registration different html's are created on my server (background and text colors,6 small html's)

- 2: (authenticated user): on my page where the user can select their own website's style, the html page is created on my server (but only the one they choose (color)

the part of the page looks like this for the moment :

example 1

example 2

so on changing the dropdown, iframecode and example (generic) image is shown

In workflow 2 the html page can be created on copying the iframecode

Remark: The making of personal iframe (link to personal html) is already coded, but not in use yet (because it would point to nothing :) )

Dream scenario: on changing the dropdown the html is created on the fly and shown in the image field. One must dream, not? :)

Thx in advance for any pointers or inspiration on how to tackle this!!


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