🇷🇺Russia alexd73
UPD for #13
I've commented the bellow part of the code and successfully enabled the Swiper image formatter, then uncommented this back and the error has disappeared. I can change the field formattter w\o error now.
if ($caption = $this->getSetting('caption')) {
switch ($caption) {
case 'title':
case 'alt':
$summary[] = $this->t('Caption: Image @caption field', ['@caption' => ucfirst($caption)]);
$fields = $this->entityFieldManager->getFieldDefinitions($this->fieldDefinition->getTargetEntityTypeId(), $this->fieldDefinition->getTargetBundle());
if (isset($fields[$caption])) {
$summary[] = $this->t('Caption: @caption field', ['@caption' => $fields[$caption]->getLabel()]);
🇷🇺Russia alexd73
I have the some trouble. I found this error in the logs.
TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in Drupal\swiper_formatter\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\SwiperFormatterImage->settingsSummary() (line 213 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/swiper_formatter/src/SwiperFormatterTrait.php).
Drupal 10
Please review my report as well.