🇹🇭Thailand @peterbkk

Account created on 5 July 2012, over 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇹🇭Thailand peterbkk

I have the same issue, had to down grade to 2.0.5 for it to work again.

🇹🇭Thailand peterbkk

To resolve this quickly, I used this module https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_builder_admin_theme and now layout builder is using admin theme and not my main theme with responsive_menu.

🇹🇭Thailand peterbkk

Hi Abdulaziz,

That patch resolved the issue, thank you so much!

🇹🇭Thailand peterbkk

Hi Abdulaziz,

I went through my settings again, I should of provided this information originally sorry.

If I set to be Globally Enabled and Force Email TFA for Specific roles, users of those roles will get the email code and can login as expected.

When I try to login with a user that doesn't have an enforced role, they get access denied and the error I mentioned above gets logged.

These same settings on 1.0.7 work correctly however, with the idea being only users with roles that have elevated permissions are forced to use Email TFA.

Great module by the way, thank you.

🇹🇭Thailand peterbkk

@e.escribano thanks, it resolved the issue for me.

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