I cranked up my email account linked to drupal.org and saw this thread...
I can't remember the sequence of the field widget submission processing, but can someone manually check that the validation in a required textfield component still triggers if you enter _blank for that component? If it does, the this minor fix may need a tweak to only target option based components.
@Dave The module should have options for linking alternative and preferred fields that can then be used in the display tokens
Preferred component source
A data source to use as the preferred given name within the name formats. A common use-case would be for a users nickname.
Used by the following tokens
p: Preferred name, use given name if not set.
q: Preferred name.
v: First letter preferred name.
w: First letter preferred or given name.
d: Conditional: Either the preferred given or family name. Preferred name is given preference over given or family names.
D: Conditional: Either the preferred given or family name. Family name is given preference over preferred or given names.
Alternative component source
A data source to use as the alternative component within the name formats. Possible use-cases include; providing a custom fully formatted name alternative to use in citations; a separate field for a users creditatons / post-nominal letters.
Used by the following tokens
a: Alternative value.
A: First letter of alternative value.
This one requires you to work out the conditionals if empty.
i.e. (a|p) use the value of the Alt field unless the empty, then use the preferred name as a fallback (nickname has preference over firstname)
Hi netsliver, sorry for the slow response. You have full maintainer rights if you still want to help out.
Probably outside of the scope of the module.
I'll leave it open in case any of the other maintainers have any ideas but feels like a bit of custom coding could be required.
Have you tried making a new name format using the preferred or nickname option (p) then setting up the formattor to use this? The p option falls back to the given or first name. Using q will be blank if the preferred or nickname is blank (i.e. no fallback).
By prefix, I assume the title or honorific prefix field? Similar, use the title token (t). There is no fallback option for this token.
Welcome aboard. :)
This is a much more obvious UX issue with the Admin Toolbar in action, of which roughly 25% of all non-dev Drupal 8 sites seem to have enabled
With a significantly reduced permissions on an administrative user, about 80-90% of all the links result in a "You do not have any administrative items.".
This also makes it time consuming actually testing permission access to see what the users can and can not see.
I'm not sure if this should be flagged with "Needs usability review" for that team to take a look. It's not fun opening doors to see a brick wall sitting behind it ;)
Referenced #2673914: Only show admin menu items with available Configuration pages according to permissions → in Admin Toolbar queue that has taken a NIH approach to this issue, pushing back to core for a resolution.
As alexanderpas said in comment #199, setting back to D7 slows the process down.
Re-rolled D7 is great, just upload the D7 patch ending in "do-not-test.patch" and leave the version alone ;)
Actually, AFAICK, this is a bug report. However, if it is for this module, views or every module that implements the access control is another matter.
An optional relationship should have (X IS NULL OR X IN (a,b,c))
'Disable SQL rewriting' is not a solution.
It is interesting to note that the core Term references (basic forward relationships) does not use a views relationship and the access control is not triggered.