🇮🇳India rajesh190888
rajesh190888 → created an issue.
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
Please see this
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
rajesh190888 → created an issue.
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
rajesh190888 → created an issue.
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
This patches are not working with current AMP versions
🐛 | Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation | After Activating Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6.0.0 alpha1 version, it reduced Page score
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
Not so far. We needed to remove it.
🐛 | Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation | After Activating Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6.0.0 alpha1 version, it reduced Page score
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
rajesh190888 → created an issue.
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
🇮🇳India rajesh190888
rajesh190888 → created an issue.