Oh, also, there are hundreds of thousands of these types of url redirects. 99% of them are a basic pattern, but I can't make a specific redirect for each of them, I need it to be dynamic based on the pattern:
[domain1]/[general-trigger-redirect-pattern]/[specific-info-path] ---> [domain2]/[general-trigger-redirect-pattern]/[specific-info-path]
@potassiumchloride thanks, but I don't have Layout Builder iFrame installed (although it could be some other conflict)... I'm going to likely add in css to fix it but would be better if it didn't happen. -c
same here
Following. Is there a timeline for generating a new formal (unpatched) version for d10? Would like to implement, but prefer to install official versions without patching. Thanks, Chris
Also hoping for a d10 version -- this looks like exactly what I need. Hoping someone has time to merge to even a 'working' version with bugs...
verres β created an issue.
verres β created an issue.
this is a use we use too. We regularly have need to create a new entity reference in a webform that is not a term. It's no more 'confusing' for users than many other aspects of drupal imho.
just reporting that this error still exists -- I'll be upgrading to php 8 and d10 soon, but notice it on an up to date d9/php7 system
"Undefined index: region in Drupal\field_layout\FieldLayoutBuilder->buildForm() (line 109 of "
running 9.5.3 but have not yet updated PHP (still running 7.4.3).