Account created on 17 March 2012, almost 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇪Ireland rosscullen

Have similar issue:

Was using layout builder for one of my content types:
I was manually adding new fields to include and now it won't let me back in.

Getting error in my log messages:
"Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityMalformedException: The "node" entity cannot have a URI as it does not have an ID in Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityBase->toUrl() (line 161 of /home/

Using Drupal 11.0.2

🇮🇪Ireland rosscullen

I've read that token has issues on Drupal 7 using PHP 8 and higher... can I assume everyone that is on this thread with issues is using Drupal 7 and PHP 8 and upwards?

🇮🇪Ireland rosscullen

Having exact same issue. Hadn't updated my Drupal 7 site in 2 years... so yesterday updated to latest core (7.101) and updated all modules. Similarly getting errors with other modules that use Token, giving errors about invalid tokens.

I would say my host provider might have upgraded my PHP version in the meantime (PHP 8.2.20)

Any help greatly appreciated.

Production build 0.71.5 2024