Good work! Having written a few blog posts myself, I can appreciate that while your solution looks straightforward and clearly explained, I'm sure it took some effort to get there. Nice to see the new icon and glad that Drupal has this kind of development happening.
Very nice!
Wow, interesting. That's a big change for sure! Change can be exciting though, so looking forward to it.
Being a Drupal maintainer seems to be a lonely and thankless job! I kind of wish the issues queues had a more social aspect. You know, like a "thumbs up" option or similar feedback mechanisms to encourage more activity. I realize it would not strictly help with the coding aspects, but might make for a more welcoming and interactive environment.
For example, this is a great development update! I'm sure I was one of the people asking for it some time ago. Needs a +1 button for sure.
Nicely done!