in the same ballpark:
pagination of /admin/structure/views/view/taxonomy_term/ intermidently disappears if layout_builder is enabled for the `full` display of the term.
++ #28
this worked for me:
"extra": {
"installer-types": [
"installer-paths": {
"web/core": [
"web/modules/contrib/{$name}": [
"web/profiles/contrib/{$name}": [
"web/themes/contrib/{$name}": [
"drush/Commands/contrib/{$name}": [
"web/modules/custom/{$name}": [
"web/themes/custom/{$name}": [
"web/libraries/ckeditor5-anchor-drupal": [
"web/libraries/{$name}": [
++ #23
applied the patch to D10.3.5 successfuly.
and here is the the same patch as #114 rerolled
once you upgrade to 10.3.5 it stops working again.
hi all,
mv libraries/DOMPurify libraries/dompurify
fixed it for me.
hi all,
mv libraries/DOMPurify libraries/dompurify
fixed it for me.
Hi All,
patch #114 worked for D: 10.3.5 using `adminiml` admin theme.
Hi All
I see the same error as #151 on:
drupal: 10.3.5
simplesamlphp_auth 4.0.0
symfony: 6.4.12
but everything works on:
drupal: 10.3.3
simplesamlphp_auth 4.0.0
symfony: 6.4.11
++ on @smurfxx findings.
i am seeing it on 3.0.0-rc20.
parent node has an entityrefrence .
refrence method is : Filtered by entity refrence view .
and the widgent is `Inline entity form - Complex`.
looking ...
without it we'd have a hard time refering to {{ file.description }} in our templates.
this amount of validation in twig template was not enough:
{% if file.description is not empty %} {{ file.description }} {% else %} {{ file_entity.filename }} {% endif %}
still looking ....
++ on #32
Just saw it on `10.2.6`.
++ on #8 @smustgrave
given 2 sites in a multisite structure with almost identical config I see this error on one and not the other.
It displays when saving a view mode.
looking ...
i have seen this a nuber of time. to fix it i:
1- export all the config
drush @MYSITE cex
2- navigte to config/sync directory
cd /var/www/PATH_TO_SITES/config/sync
3- look for `id: node_type`. it could be in block config, or pathautho, ...
grep -r "id: node_type" .
4- edit the files from step 3 replaceing `id: node_type` with `entity_bundle:node`
5- import the config
drush @MYSITE cim
++ on #25 thank you Santhosh and cmeh.
Thank you @jrglasgow
Patch #7 worked nicely .
I came across this issue today on a D10 site.
Not totally sure but i think this site had problems during an updb when core was upgraded last.
i went to another healthy site and ran config export:
drush @MYGOODSITE cex
copied the following .yml files from MYGOODSITE's config/sync to a /tmp/bla folder:
edit each of these files and deleted the UUID.
and then imported them to MYBADSITE :
drush @MYBADSITE config:import --partial --source=/tmp/bla/
I had to run the config:import 2 times .
1st tim it only imported negotiation.
This fixed the issue for me.
ccarnnia β created an issue.
- composer require 'drupal/exclude_node_title:^1.4'
- drush @MYSITE en exclude_node_title
- on admin/config/content/exclude-node-title configured it to add `hidden class` to Teaser view mode of my custom content type
- rebuid cache
- profit
Hi All,
I off load https at the loadballancer and apche vhost is configured for port:80 only.
By default I set /admin/config/content/pathologic to `protocol relative`.
If I mistakenly choose the first option `FULL: URL` then the pages with embeded video or iframes with reative path get mixed mode error.
Should `http` even be an option any more?
The issue was not related to the moduleβs functionality.
A bad pipeline script failed to deploy the module correctly to all the nodes behind the LB.
symfony_mailer worked as expected on D9 (replacing swiftmailer) .
upgrade to D10 also worked as expected.
$ php -v
PHP 8.1.22
$ drush status
Drupal version : 9.5.11
ccarnnia β created an issue.
Hi @louis-cuny ,
Thank you for answring my questions.
I owe you a documentation patch:
thanks again,
now i am stuck behind php_8.1 issues:
#1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in count() (line 343 of /var/www/web/modules/contrib/structure_sync/src/Controller/BlocksController.php)
I'll check the issue queue ...
thank you @louis-cuny
i did a cex in dev and it did generate structure_sync.data.yml
i took following to staging:
and ran drush @mysite config:import in staging.
Import the listed configuration changes? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes[warning] The "block_content:f1b676ae-e826-4f05-a9cb-65f09e01cf03" was not found
[notice] Synchronized configuration: create block.block.header_content.[warning] The "block_content:7c3ff773-a3cf-428f-ab46-4b6b2b417dd3" was not found
[notice] Synchronized configuration: create block.block.workingforyou.[warning] The "block_content:f77fa748-663e-4fbd-ad56-e68318333044" was not found
[notice] Synchronized configuration: create block.block.homepagevideo.[notice] Synchronized configuration: update structure_sync.data.
[notice] Finalizing configuration synchronization.
[success] The configuration was imported successfully.
but i don't see the new custom blocks on the staging site.
am i missing something obvious?
ccarnnia β created an issue.
Just a quick thank you to all.
Your work here allows me to build new D10 sites on the same infrastructure that host legacy D7 sites.
Site by site migration and is number 1 priority but it helps to know I will not have to wait a long time to upgrade D9 sites to D10.
Thank you for making our tax dollars go further.
I just upgraded an old site to 7.95.
My old notes reminded me of this issue.
No patching needed any more it is in core.