I have upgraded Drupal from 9.5.10 to 10.0.11 and I have multiple site setup. I got this issue in one of the site.
I have solved this issue by using below patch.
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2019-09-18/3068327-fix-remove-inside... →
I have solve issue using below command:
drush eval "\Drupal::service('update.post_update_registry')->registerInvokedUpdates(['taxonomy_post_update_clear_views_argument_validator_plugins_cache', 'user_post_update_update_roles', 'views_post_update_sort_identifier', 'views_post_update_provide_revision_table_relationship', 'views_post_update_image_lazy_load']);"
I have upgraded site from drupal 9 to 10 but this issue is in Drupal 10 as well.
When I am adding a new paragraph at that time selection of image of first paragraph is disappeared.
I have applied patch but getting same issue event if I used latest version 6.0.3.