🇩🇪Germany carstenG
Loading attribute is not set with that formatter!
It is missing 2 lines before $elements[$delta] is set:
When I find time I'll provide patch.
$image_loading_settings = $this->getSetting('image_loading');
$item_attributes['loading'] = $image_loading_settings['attribute'];
$elements[$delta] = [
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
Patch attached.
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
carstenG → created an issue.
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
In addition: the change should also applied to OpenIDConnectClientFormBase::getRedirectUrl() for the "correct" display in settings form.
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
I had to do a small fix...
$implements = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getImplementations('sfweb2lead_webform_posted_data_alter');
$implements = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->hasImplementations('sfweb2lead_webform_posted_data_alter');
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
Here comes the patch. Issues from upgrade_status.
🇩🇪Germany carstenG
carstenG → created an issue.