🇮🇹Italy @grimal

Account created on 8 November 2011, over 12 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy grimal

I've encountere this issue after updating from version 10.1 to 10.2.3 on an OVH hosting platform (although everything it's fine in my local env).

While the page does render in the browser, it continues to load for approximately 5 seconds.

Upon testing the request with CURL, I observed that the HTML content is sent, but then there's a delay of 5 seconds before it returns the error: "curl: (18) transfer closed with 16932 bytes remaining to read". The CURL request executes without issue when the --compressed option is omitted.

To resolve this, I've removed 'Content-Length' header with $response->headers->remove('Content-Length') before calling $response->send() in the index.php file.

Any idea why I'm still experiencing this issue with Drupal 10.2.3, despite it should be fixed?

🇮🇹Italy grimal

I have a form that includes a required file field, which is only visible when a specific value is selected in a dropdown. Unexpectedly, this file field still triggers a validation error, even when it's hidden (already patched the module with #15) .

After some debugging, I discovered that, for some unknown reason, the same validation error is present in both the file field key and the submit key within the 'form_state' errors array (they share the same error object reference).

So if the same error is present in multiple fields is not removed.

I've resolved the issue by replacing the current 'array_diff_assoc()' comparison with an object reference comparison.

🇮🇹Italy grimal

Same problem here,
after some debug i've fixed with the same solution of the patch #15, there is a wrong return statement pushed here ( https://www.drupal.org/project/conditional_fields/issues/3207751 🐛 URL validation of link field doesn't work Fixed ) to resolve an url validation issue but isn't a solution, just a bypass that introduce a lot of problems :)

🇮🇹Italy grimal

I've found the problem, ConditionalFieldsElementAlterHelper::loadDependencies() make a cache of the dependencies without a key, so it returns always the first result (the workflow form dependencies in this case).

🇮🇹Italy grimal

Same problem here after an upgrade to Conditional Fields 4.0.0-alpha3 and Workflow 1.7 (Drupal 9.5.9).

The issue occurs only with the widget "Workflow transition form".

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