🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Here it is not stated clearly, but the "cookie_samesite: Lax", should be of course under parameters > session.storage.options.
Here an example:
# Set the SameSite cookie attribute: 'None', 'Lax', or 'Strict'. If set,
# this value will override the server value. See
# https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.security.ini.php for more
# information.
# @default no value
cookie_samesite: Lax
it is of course for D10 clearly visible from here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/blob/10.2.x/sites/default/de...
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Until we have it as a release, we could use this patch, that I just generated, based on the work, being done above
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
@snap_x maybe you should push the Drupal 10 compatibility at least to the dev version of the project?
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Nikolay Borisov → created an issue.
🐛 | Gin Toolbar | Sometimes Edit button from Gin Toolbar leads to the edit page of the wrong language
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Nikolay Borisov → created an issue.
🐛 | Paragraphs Editor Enhancements | Translation of "+ Add" for the in-between add and dialogue title not working
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Nikolay Borisov → created an issue.
🐛 | Zoho CRM Integration | TypeError: Drupal\zoho_crm_integration\Controller\ZohoCRMIntegrationSettingsPage::__construct(): Argument #2 ($messenger) must be of type Drupal\Core\Messenger\Messenger, Drupal\info_messages\InfoMessenger given
🇩🇪Germany Nikolay Borisov
Here a fix for it