The patch for token replacement.
gopisathya → created an issue.
This patch → intended to change the temporary directory to the private directory. The assumption is that private directory is shared in the load balancing environment.
We had the same issue after upgrading to webform-6.2.0 together with Drupal 10. We did the following
1. Find out which config files have empty/null uuid. In our case, we wanted to search in config/excluded directory where webforms were config excluded.
grep -Rnw 'config/excluded' -e 'uuid: null'
Assume, we have null uuid in the form webform.webform.cancel_form
2. On those file(s) from step1, generate a uuid and update it.
uuid: null
uuid: 0a3ba68e-3a84-459b-89c2-fd13d78b92d2
3. Execute 'drush cim
4. If you see below error from step3
"Error: Call to a member function label() on null in /drupalpath/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Event/BundleConfigImportValidate.php on line 67 #0 [internal function]: Drupal\Core\Entity\Event\BundleConfigImportValidate->onConfigImporterValidate()"
then do the following
drush cdel webform.webform.cancel_form
5. Then retry 'drush cim
' and admin/structure/webform
show all the forms.
#11 solved the problem for us. We use css/js aggregation together with advagg.
gopisathya → created an issue.