Account created on 31 March 2001, almost 24 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇸🇰Slovakia petiar

Sorry guys, I may have cause some chaos with the 3354081-drupal-11 branch. Anyway, the code for review should be in the 3354081-provide-a-way branch. The only thing missing is the test, which I will write as soon as I will manage to run PHPUnit tests in my lando docker machine.

🇸🇰Slovakia petiar

Within the Split “blocked” status into “pending” and “locked-out” Active it is requested to split the Blocked user status into the Locked out and Pending, so we know exactly why is the user blocked. However, for this purpose the status field type plugin as proposed here would not be sufficient because of it's boolean base. Is it alright if I implement new field type plugin (user_status, as suggested above in this thread) for the User entity or was there an intention to create a status field type plugin which would be applicable for any entity type?

🇸🇰Slovakia petiar

I finally got myself to start working on this, however, I got stuck at the admin users table view. Currently, the status is treated as a boolean value and the output is rewritten to Active/Blocked. However, with three statuses I can't do this anymore. I think we have two options:

  1. as suggested in StatusItem class, make the user status full field type plugin
  2. create view template file which would rewrite the output. Not sure how about the exposed form

I would go with the option 1, so we have this done properly and it can be easily extended in the future. In that case we would need to finish 📌 Discuss adding a 'status' field type that could be used in place of 'boolean' Needs work prior to this one. I am looking forward to your suggestions.

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