Account created on 30 June 2011, almost 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy bmeme

Dear AstonVictor

We have enabled you as a co-maintainer of the PrevNext module, as you wish. We are very happy to share with you the effort to keep going this development. Huge thanks for all your hard work during this period. Honestly, without your contributions, the new version of this module wouldn't even exist.

We gave you the permissions to "Write to VCS" and "Maintain issues". When it comes to making new releases for the module, let's team up on it and coordinate together, at least for now.

Looking forward to working together! Cheers!

🇮🇹Italy bmeme

Dear AstonVictor

we are always happy to share development activities on our modules with the community. I ask you to give us some time to evaluate the issues you are working on these days (and for which we thank you) and we will soon give you feedback on your request.

Thank you

Production build 0.69.0 2024