🇵🇱Poland @saramato

Account created on 15 April 2007, almost 18 years ago

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🇵🇱Poland saramato

Thank you for your response.
Below are the settings of field ‘media image’ in ‘media image’ entity (admin/structure/media/manage/image/fields/media.image.field_media_image)

I'm sure I've added the svg.

Sorry for the incorrect status settings.

🇵🇱Poland saramato

Drupal version 10.3.10
Version Svg Image 3.2.0 (latest)

Please still be patient with me, as I don't know what information I would still have to provide.
As I wrote above, I am trying to add the media image this way:
Content -> Media -> Add media -> Image
I get an error:
The selected file filename.svg cannot be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: png, gif, jpg, jpeg.
SVG has been added to the ‘Allowed file extensions’ section, but as you can see from the attached screenshot, it does not even appear in the ‘Allowed types’ list when adding an image.

🇵🇱Poland saramato

After testing, I noticed that the error occurs when I try to add an media image this way:

🇵🇱Poland saramato

Thank you for your response.
So far I have this error in two services, I will try to provide more details early next week.

🇵🇱Poland saramato

The problem occurs all the time, no polish characters in the PDF.
drupal 9.5.11
pdf_api 2.4.0
printable 3.0.2

🇵🇱Poland saramato

As I wrote earlier, version 2.1.3 correctly prints latin extended characters. The problem begins with 2.1.4.
As a PDF generation tool I use mPDF, version is defined here pdf_api/composer.json ( https://www.drupal.org/project/pdf_api ) (my version of PDF Generator API is 2.2.2).
I also tried upgrading the PDF generator API version to 2.3, but this did not change anything, the error occurs.
Polish characters are missing (I have not checked other languages, such as Czech).
The signs to be tested are:
Ą ą Ć ć Ę ę Ł ł Ń ń Ó ó Ś ś Ź ź Ż ż
Sample sentence:

Niewinne na pozór zabawy

Zabawmy się na początek w taką grę: co by było, gdyby Polska i Ruś Kijowska w X wieku nie przyjęły chrześcijaństwa – ani zachodniego, ani wschodniego? – pyta przekornie Olena Apczel w swoim najnowszym spektaklu Kreszany1 w Teatrze Zagłębia w Sosnowcu2 według scenariusza napisanego wspólnie z Olgą Maciupą3 i Wojtkiem Zrałkiem-Kossakowskim4. Co by było – pytają autorzy – gdyby naszym wzorcem kulturowym, przynajmniej w zamieszkiwanej przez Polaków i Ukraińców części Europy, nie stała się narzucana w systemie kształcenia oraz transmisji kultury silnie patriarchalna mitologia grecko-rzymska? I jak wyglądałby nasz targany dziś wojną świat, gdybyśmy lepiej poznali mitologię słowiańską, w której, jak sugeruje Olena Apczel, ważniejszą rolę odgrywały kobiety i ich matrylinearne kulturowe dziedzictwo oparte na trosce o drugiego człowieka i o ziemię?
🇵🇱Poland saramato

I have exactly the same problem. Only on the taxonomy terms pages. With js aggregation enabled.
A message appears in the console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable p
The solution described in #7 does not help.

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