🇩🇪Germany dotist
This patch prevents that `vertical_tabs` is added to the form state when the Markdown-filter is not enabled, which only addresses the first issue that @jasonawant suggests, but it's enough to prevent the error.
🇩🇪Germany dotist
See patch.
🇩🇪Germany dotist
I'm having this issue again, but the issue is that `Drupal\migrate_tools\Commands\MigrateToolsCommands` has moved to `Drupal\migrate_tools\Drush\MigrateToolsCommands`. See patch.
🇩🇪Germany dotist
Thanks for your feedback @gambry, I've updated the function and cleaned up the patch!
🇩🇪Germany dotist
I created patches for the SDK and this module in order to support rich-responses and event-responses. https://github.com/gambry/dialogflow-webhook/pull/1