Account created on 8 May 2011, about 13 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy Turneight

#8 on drupal 10.2 and php 8.3 is still working for me.
#2 hides the problem but does not solve it, the aggregation configuration remains blocked.
I'm sorry but I am currently unable to develop the tests.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

Tested 8.x-3.x versions with Drush 12.
Everything works fine.
Thanks for your work.
For me it can be closed.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

Drupal 10 with Drush 11 gave me no problems.
Drush 11 has EOL in two months, so we should definitely move to Drush 12.
Drupal 9 also has EOL in two months, so many projects in this period will move to Drupal 10 and will find this unpleasant error.
Since the proposed patch is simple and quick, even if it doesn't solve the problem, I think it's important to apply as soon as possible, at least it makes it clear how to proceed with the installation.
In the short term I cannot help you with development, but I am available for testing.
The links proposed by @ressa seem to me to be a good starting point for understanding how to proceed.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

I'm using Drupal 10 with Drush 11 and CiviCRM Drush 8.x-2.0
The problem is that Drupal 10 defaults to Drush 12
It is at least necessary to indicate the dependency with Drush 11 in the composer.json file otherwise the installation will not be successful.
CiviCRM Drush is essential especially for cron because currently cv is not compatible and I have not found any other way to do it.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

I report the patch proposed in the discussion closed because it was duplicated

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

The path ensures that the same handler is used both for building and sending the form.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

I found the main problem!
The EntityField class which extends FieldPluginBase which extends HandlerBase is used to submit the form.
The NumericField class which extends FieldPluginBase which extends HandlerBase is used in the construction of the form.
The definition of the group_column and group_columns fields occurs in the EntityField class which is not called when constructing the form.
Proposed solution:
In the ConfigHandlerGroup->buildForm class of the views_ui module, ensure that in this case EntityField is called as handler instead of NumericField.
I ask for confirmation from those who know these two modules better.

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

Not only the count aggregation type causes the error but all but the default "group" one.
All types of aggregation produce the same error.
The error is also present in drupal 9.5.x and has already been reported.
The basic problem is that by setting a grouping type other than the default "group" the form for selecting the columns does not appear upon subsequent modifications.
The proposed patch does not solve the main problem, but it allows you to work on your vision and not lose all the work done.
I haven't found any problems that the patch can cause.
I'm looking for the cause of the main problem but I don't know the module enough, it could also depend on the views_ui module

🇮🇹Italy Turneight

Inserted the steps and corrected the patch

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