🇩🇪Germany @Internetter

Erfurt, Thüringen
Account created on 27 March 2007, about 17 years ago

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🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen


we also actually use the patch, but with the module language_neutral_aliases .
We test a lot of variants, but it seems that only the module really works.

With the patch from #161 🐛 If you don't want to translate your URL alias, the original URL alias won't work with your translations Needs work alone it is not really working. We have
* Languages DE and EN
* Content is translatable, but url alias field is not translatable
* url alias pattern is set for all languages

But in result for new created content the path alias is set in database for DE language only. Not for "UND" (language neutral). So with no translation the path alias won't work with the second language.

If the path alias field is not translatable, the path alias should always be set to langcode UND, what the patch in our case did not do. Should it work like this?

With the module language_neutral_aliases the path aliases would be created as UND-aliases, so you can call it with other languages and get the default language not translated content. And of course the path alias stays always the same. (we use a alias pattern with node:source:title) so it is using always the original language title.


🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

We also have a deployment for multiple stage servers with different baseurls. For other stage related config changes we use config split and put this in git repo. But because of this issue, we can not use config-split.

Overriding in settings.php is possible with:

$settings['xmlsitemap_base_url'] = 'http://[other-base-url]';

Other settings from xml sitemap are exported for config split. So it should also be with base-url.

🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

We also had a problem when using "Index items immediately" option.

We have one content type with a call to a view in templeate file as content. When indexing "full" node for "rendered_item" then the RuntimeException occour.

Perhaps it occurs because of the RedirectResponse when saving a node? That would explain why the RuntimeException mentions "headers already sent". So indexing full node would need to create e new session which could not because of Redirect already sent.

We discovered that with Drupal core 9.4.9 it works, but after update to 9.5.3 the RuntimeException is thrown. We used in both cases search_api version: 8.x-1.28.

🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

If somebody only needs the change to absolute oembed path. We made only this change, see patch attached.

🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

I discovered other problems with rext export of views and image urls. Perhaps it is related:

There was an encoding of parameter ampersand "&" as "\u0026amp;" for multiple parameter urls from image url formatter (using of focal_point).

🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

Perhaps other also use svg_image, than you must perhaps use this patch: https://www.drupal.org/project/svg_image/issues/3337927#comment-14898139 🐛 Image links with multiple query parameters have ampersand encoded in REST view Fixed

🇩🇪Germany Internetter Erfurt, Thüringen

Here is the Patch. Inspired from https://www.drupal.org/project/rest_views/issues/3176391#comment-13856401 🐛 Image links with multiple query parameters have ampersand encoded Fixed

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