Oh lubwn from #26 .. Thank you so much!! This just saved my day BIG time. :)
stefan lehmann → created an issue.
This fix is for a sub theme not for the Radix base theme.
I'm not sure what would have to be done to fix this issue in the base theme without having any side effects for all the other sub themes. It might very well be that the "Rate" module is at fault here.
Thank you marcoka. You lead me onto the right track. Here a slightly improved code.
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter().
function THEME_NAME_theme_suggestions_form_element_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
if (isset($variables['element']['#attributes']['twig-suggestion']) && $variables['element']['#attributes']['twig-suggestion'] == 'rating-input') {
// Radix overrides the "rate" modules theme suggestion
// for the rating input fields with "form_element__radio"
// so we're overriding this again in the sub theme.
$suggestions[] = 'form_element__rating';
I tested it on a new built site as vanilla as I could get it quickly to make sure it's not some other module / plugin interfering and it's still happening so I'm assuming it's something which has to be fixed here. Although I don't understand how @timohuisman tested it on D10.1.2 without any issues. *head scratch*
The only thing I could find out is that this issue only seems to arise if you add the file upload functionality. It doesn't happen if you only add the image upload button (I believe this plugin also adds the upload functionality to the image dialogue right - I might be wrong?).
Both websites I tested it on run D10.1.2, PHP 8.1, nginx/1.23.4 if it's of any significance.
I'm updating a website I'm unfamiliar with to Drupal 10 / CKE5 at the moment. I had to update this plugin and applied the patch from #39.
There seems to be something weird going on on the text format admin screen, but I was finally able to save it when adding a filetype eg: "pdf" under: CKEditor 5 plugin settings > File
However actually loading a WYSIWYG text field results in a JS error:
ckeditor5.js?rztqq8:472 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'once')
.. disabling the plugin buttons will make the WYSIWYG work again. The WYSIWYG is displayed in two different themes: "Seven" and a Bootstrap based custom theme. It happens in both.
Advice or hints greatly appreciated. :-)
I had a link render array in the theme I'm upgrading like this:
$home_link = [
'title' => 'Home',
'url' => \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute('<front>'),
I had to update to this to get rid of the notice:
$home_link = [
'title' => 'Home',
'url' => \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute('<front>'),
'attributes' => [],
I added a small patch in case you think this should be handled by Boostrap. I have no opinions about that, but it doesn't seem to happen to a lot of people.
You could try this module here. With a little luck the classes will apply.
Funny I just realised after doing it last weekend that this is just a duplicate of https://www.drupal.org/project/google_analytics/issues/3373921 🐛 Cannot install from existing config RTBC
I basically created exactly the same patch as the guy in that ticket. :-)
We have a same issue as vinlaurens with the same Stack.
I just wrote a little check if that user role was successfully loaded.