🇨🇿Czech Republic @jc1

Account created on 11 April 2011, over 13 years ago

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🇨🇿Czech Republic jc1

It's fine now. Thanks for your great themes and (also quick) support!

🇨🇿Czech Republic jc1


I'm sorry for late response (holidays).

Tried some upgrade/downgrade of d8w3css and upgrade anything else. Still not right aligned (like center).

There are some custom css, but tested with disabled custom css and deleted custom css too.

URL is https://www.stinadla.net/picture-align-test

If I disable "float: left" for .node .field--name-field-image, .node .field--name-field-media-image (d8w3css/css/components/default-node.css?si9c7l), align is fine.

🇨🇿Czech Republic jc1

P.S. Custom css disabled in Amun V2 Theme settings. There is no custom css in W3CSS Theme V2.

🇨🇿Czech Republic jc1

I disabled custom css (checkbox), flushed cache (on performance page) and force refresh page. It's same.

find . -iname "embedded-media.css"

composer show drupal/* |grep d8
drupal/d8w3css dev-2.x 1411a90 Speed, Elegance & Ease of Development and Use

🇨🇿Czech Republic jc1

Thanks for quick response!

I installed dev version of w3css theme (dev-2.x 1411a90), but it is still bad aligned and bad wrapped :(

Production build 0.71.5 2024