🇺🇸United States josh.estep
josh.estep → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
🇺🇸United States josh.estep
My issue, perhaps appropriate for this thread, was that I need to be able to support multiple IMCE configuration profiles associated with a given user where each profile assigns different permissions to a single folder.
To solve this, I updated userProfile() in IMCE.php to iterate over the different permissions for a given folder and then merge.
+ // Get IMCE settings and role-profile mappings
+ $imce_settings = \Drupal::config('imce.settings');
+ $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('imce_profile');
+ $roles_profiles = $imce_settings->get('roles_profiles');
+ $user_roles = array_flip($user->getRoles());
+ // Initialize an array to hold the most permissive permissions for each folder
+ $folder_perms = [];
+ // Loop through user roles to get profile configurations
+ foreach ($user_roles as $rid => $role) {
+ // Check if the role has a profile mapping
+ if (isset($role) && !empty($roles_profiles[$rid][$scheme])) {
+ // Load the IMCE profile and its config
+ $test_config = $storage->load($roles_profiles[$rid][$scheme]);
+ $profile_config = $test_config->getConf();
+ // Loop through folders in profile to keep the most permissive permissions
+ foreach ($profile_config['folders'] as $folder) {
+ $path = $folder['path'];
+ if (!isset($folder_perms[$path])) {
+ $folder_perms[$path] = [];
+ }
+ foreach ($folder['permissions'] as $perm => $value) {
+ // Store the most permissive value of each permission
+ if ($perm === 'all' || !isset($folder_perms[$path][$perm]) || $value > $folder_perms[$path][$perm]) {
+ $folder_perms[$path][$perm] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert the permissive permissions back to the original folder array format
+ $conf['folders'] = [];
+ foreach ($folder_perms as $path => $permissions) {
+ $conf['folders'][] = ['path' => $path, 'permissions' => $permissions];
+ }
return static::processUserConf($conf, $user);
This probably needs to be updated to use dependency injection, but I hope this helps somebody else.
🇺🇸United States josh.estep
johnlutz → credited josh.estep → .