Account created on 2 January 2011, over 13 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy mhamed

the same error was given me intalling drupal10 

after changing manager from homebrew  which gave me errors of mac old versio  to macports after a lot of search found  this link:


the problem was : in my.cnf: 

skip_networking had no value means = on

changed to off

and my problem resolved

🇮🇹Italy mhamed

Tamazight Is the standard language based on Tifinagh this can do . The only way since the other varieties can derive from this . Like the other languages even English , or Arabic there is are many language spoken varieties but there is just one standardized one.

🇮🇹Italy mhamed

A really interesting language that tells a lot about the people of the north africa the history that enrich the community . One can do a lot to help the find a window for those who are in need of some breeze of life .
How can we start this ? Any ideas about adding a new language ?

🇮🇹Italy mhamed

Drupal should be Neutral 
Why not supporting Iraq  or Siria  or Libia or Afganistan or Palestine against the unique criminal the USA and Nato Military machine
Why just Russia So the problem is most Political than humanitarian 

So let's Do nothing is we are not able to see the truth.

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