Account created on 17 January 2007, almost 18 years ago

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

This is the patch needed to add Drupal 10 support to the 2.0 release.

I changed the minimal Drupal version in composer to ^9 or ^10 as the info file does only support 9 and 10.

🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

The attached patch fixes the issue.

I don't think we need the create() method in the Drupal\alter_entity_autocomplete\AlterEntityAutocomplete\AlterEntityAutocompleteMatcher class as it is a service class to replace the core entity autocomplete matcher.

🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

Module is marked as Obsolete & no longer maintained.

Added documentation, to the project page, how to remove this module and update the existing tokens.

🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

Module no longer supported

Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module.

The current language prefix is available in the Token module: [language:prefix]

🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

Module no longer supported

Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module.

  • [current-language:name] => [language:name] : The current language name.
  • [current-language:code] => [language:langcode] : The current language code.
🇧🇪Belgium zero2one

Module no longer supported

Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module:

  • [current-language:name] => [language:name] : The current language name.
  • [current-language:code] => [language:langcode] : The current language code.
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