This patch fixes the issue.
zero2one → created an issue.
Patch to fix the issue.
See also:
zero2one → created an issue.
This is the patch needed to add Drupal 10 support to the 2.0 release.
I changed the minimal Drupal version in composer to ^9 or ^10 as the info file does only support 9 and 10.
zero2one → created an issue.
The attached patch fixes the issue.
I don't think we need the create() method in the Drupal\alter_entity_autocomplete\AlterEntityAutocomplete\AlterEntityAutocompleteMatcher
class as it is a service class to replace the core entity autocomplete matcher.
Module is marked as Obsolete & no longer maintained.
Added documentation, to the project page, how to remove this module and update the existing tokens.
Module no longer supported
Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module.
The current language prefix is available in the Token module: [language:prefix]
Module no longer supported
Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module.
- [current-language:name] => [language:name] : The current language name.
- [current-language:code] => [language:langcode] : The current language code.
Module no longer supported
Replace the tokens from this module by the tokens from the Token module & uninstall this module:
- [current-language:name] => [language:name] : The current language name.
- [current-language:code] => [language:langcode] : The current language code.
Fix is included in the 2.1.0 release: →
Attached patch fixes the broken HTML tag.