CVS edit link for Ivan Simonov →
I successfully use Drupal for a long time and I would like to make contribution to the community.I know about module
But It has not needed functionality.
This module exist only for Drupal 5 and not updated since 2007-Nov-28.
It is possible to use my module like next version of "random_images" module. Why not? :)
Actually it was start from PHP snippet:
// Depends on upload module
$nid= 2; // Node ID with pictures uploaded
$width = 200; // Desirable picture width
global $base_path;
$node = node_load($nid);
if (count($node->files)>0):
$index = array_rand ($node->files);
$filename = ($node->files[$index]->filename);
$filepath = ($base_path . $node->files[$index]->filepath);
$description = ($node->files[$index]->description);
print "<center>";
print "<img src='$filepath' width ='$width' alt='$filename'><br>";
print filter_xss($description, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'img', 'br', 'hr' ));
print "</center>";
And something like this for page with all uploaded images.
Snippet good for some people, but to manage it you must have at least Use PHP filter permission.
To increase flexibility and automatize it I decide to make this module and share it.
I have another one module which uses actions mechanism and send to desired account alerts via Jabber protocol.
But I am not ready yet to send it.
Have a nice day,
co-maintainer application
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