Clean up access checks for external modules (domain views, ctools)

Created on 28 August 2009, over 15 years ago
Updated 3 September 2024, 6 months ago

I wrote a plugin that grants access by users domain id. It only has the option to Negate the rule. It's very usefull in panels as selection rule. Does this module the same? According to the snapshot you have a select list of domains. If any interest, I will send it to you, but I will never touch cvs, sorry.

Feature request

Closed: outdated





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🇩🇪Germany Ghostthinker

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  • 🇫🇷France dqd London | N.Y.C | Paris | Hamburg | Berlin

    I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.

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