Core unit tests assume auto_increment values

Created on 14 August 2009, about 15 years ago
Updated 8 April 2024, 6 months ago

So I almost want to apologize for raising this issue, but I was recently verifying that Drupal 7 works well on a database cluster that has auto_increment offsets: Meaning that auto_inc columns do not increment by 1, but increment by X, where X is admin configurable. For example, my test cluster was incrementing by 5 on the master (first value 5, second 10, third 15). As part of testing this, I was excited to use Drupal's new test coverage. I was mildly surprised to get over 300 failures and many exceptions on the first run. After investigating, I have found that many of these errors (I'm not fully through them all yet) are caused by unit tests making assumptions on auto_increment values.

For example, in the database system test suite we run testAlterWithJoin which completely fails on an auto_increment offset system, because the join we are altering into the query has a condition with a hard coded "id" of 2. On my system that id was 15. Even after fixing that we have failures because of asserts like this:
$this->assertEqual($records[0]->$tid_field, 4, t('Correct data retrieved.'));

This tid is 35 on my system. My system is correct, but the test fails. My question here is what do we want to do about this? I am an edge case in that I end up on auto_inc offset systems about 90% of the time. While this makes the unit tests pretty useless for me, does it matter? I can work on fixing this, but am not going to do it if its going to benefit only 5 people.

What do people think of this? Do we care about unit tests running correctly on auto_inc offset clusters for core?

🐛 Bug report

Closed: duplicate


11.0 🔥


Last updated 18 minutes ago

Created by

🇺🇸United States nnewton

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