[meta] Use the UTF-8 ellipsis character instead of "..." in the user interface

Created on 16 January 2006, about 19 years ago
Updated 22 March 2023, almost 2 years ago


The Drupal user interface should use a UTF-8 ellipsis character instead of "..." strings to signify the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues, or a set of dots indicating such an omission.

It has also been noted in discussion that parts of the user interface would benefit from improved legibility and aesthetics by removing many existing "..." instances and replacing with a single "."

Proposed resolution

Remove superfluous "..." instances. Update relevant policies to reflect the decision to introduce ellipsis characters formally then roll a patch.

Remaining tasks

Need a command to search for the instances that should be changed.


User interface changes

All "..." strings in the user interface that could appropriately be replaces with an ellipsis character will be replaced.

API changes


Original report by @m3avrck

Just as the title suggests, this patch replaces all '...' in core with their proper ellipse character. This is used sporadically in core (for example in pager.inc) and this patch just fixes the rest of core to be consistent. Plus the ellipse character looks more sexy than 3 periods in a row ;-)

🌱 Plan




UI text 

Last updated about 2 months ago

No maintainer
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🇺🇸United States m3avrck Detroit

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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    I chatted with benjifisher about this in #ux. He suggested adding the use of the ellipsis to the User Interface text doc in the wiki. I have added a sentence in the Style section.

    And I am updating the IS to show that that work is complete. Also, changing this to a Meta to organize the remaining work.

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