- Issue created by @alorenc
- 🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
It looks like the issue is related to my project.
The following code sets view_mode,
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/flag/-/blob/8.x-4.x/src/ActionLink/Ac... - 🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
It works as expected; the issue was related to customization, which had to be rewritten after the module upgrade.
- 🇵🇱Poland alorenc Wolsztyn, 🇵🇱
We have a custom ActionLinkType, and I had to provide four parameters to lazy_builder (flag.link_builder:build) - view mode.
At the same time, I had to update getAsFlagLink method, as ActionLinkTypePluginInterface requires $view_mode as well.