- Issue created by @Agami4
We use your module on our project. We checked accessibility on the project and found one issue related to your implementation.
The issue:
Title: Scrollable region must have keyboard access
Solution suggestions:
Fix any of the following:
We use this tool for testing https://app.accessibilitycloud.com/.
To make a scrollable region accessible via keyboard, you can add `tabindex="0"` to the element to make it focusable. Additionally, you can add `aria-label` or `aria-labelledby` attributes to provide a meaningful label for the scrollable region. Here's how you can modify the code snippet:
<figure class="responsive-figure-table" tabindex="0" aria-label="Scrollable Table">
By adding `tabindex="0"`, users can now focus on the scrollable region using the keyboard. The `aria-label` attribute provides a label for the region, making it more understandable for screen reader users.