Currently, the module can highlight code in many programming languages and colour the corresponding tags. However, to add a little more convenience from the end user's point of view, it should be possible to copy the individual code blocks to the clipboard.
In principle, this can also be done with the module Copy 2 Clipboard, which already exists for Drupal.
However, this has to be installed separately and, on the other hand, content editors then have to manually wrap each code block in a div. This is very cumbersome to use. It would be much nicer if the module provided a button for each inserted code block, for example using clipboardjs.
This would be an advantage for content editors and site visitors alike, and they could provide code examples as usual.
The crowning glory would be if you could select whether you wanted to display a button for copying to the clipboard when inserting the respective code block, or not, and you could also specify in the module settings whether this button should be activated or deactivated by default.
Steps to reproduce
There are no steps to reproduce, because that functionallity doesn't exist, yet
Proposed resolution
Write a patch to extend the module with clipboard js copy to clipboard button
Remaining tasks
create patch
create new release
User interface changes
Codeblocks will contain copy to clipboard button
API changes
Data model changes