Component - Message - is not available in paragraph components

Created on 3 February 2025, 20 days ago


The Message component has been added to Storybook, and according to an old ticket it has also been added to Drupal, however it’s not available in the components paragraph dropdown. This is a paragraph component that can be added to and Page in any location via the component dropdown.

The old completed ticket (Salsa Digital internal ticket) says this work has been done. There is a URL for Administrators to log in and see the component. When I logged in using a test Admin role to I was able to see the Message. But when I open the components dropdown to add to a page it’s not there.

As a starting point, can we determine if this component is available but we just failed to add it to the dropdown?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Log in as Content Author
  2. Create a Page content type
  3. Open the Components dropdown
  4. Observe the available components


The Message component is not present.


The Message component should be available below the Map.

Acceptance criteria

AC 1 - Add message to Components dropdown
GIVEN I’m a Content Author
WHEN I create a Page
AND I open the Components dropdown
THEN there is an option to add a Message
AND it displays in alphabetical order after Map

AC 2 - Message fields
GIVEN I’m a Content Author
WHEN I create a Message
THEN I see the following fields/elements

Note: if the component is available but just not in the component list, these may not be exactly right, I am taking a guess based on what i see in Storybook. ACs should be amended before QA.

Textfield: Title | Required: NO
WYSIWYG/Rich text field | Required: NO
Radios: Theme | Required: YES | Default setting: Light
Dropdown/select: Vertical spacing | Required: YES | Default setting: Bottom
Checkbox: Background | | Required: NO | Help text: Apply a themed background color and provide horizontal spacing to the component

Proposed resolution

Feature request






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