- Issue created by @dunx
- π¬π§United Kingdom dunx
A bit of feedback related to my secondary minor issue with the commands. The script I'd created to spin up Drupal CMS dev version was running
composer require cweagans/composer-patches
because usually I'm applying patches to test under the issue queue.That was causing the Recipes browser to show a "View Commands" button rather than an "Install" button. If you click on a "View Commands" button, close the modal to see the Recipe browser and scroll back to the top, you'll see an error message displayed:
Unable to download modules via the UI: Problems detected related to the Composer plugin cweagans/composer-patches. The composer-exit-on-patch-failure key is not set to true in the extra section of composer.json.
If you add that config to the composer.json extra stanza, then "View Commands" is replaced by "Install". The same occurs if you don't require composer-patches in the first place too of course.
I was hoping that was why I wasn't seeing the other Recipes within the Installer, but no joy. However, it's now possible for me to install Recipes via the browser, so if the decision to remove them from the Installer was intentional, I'm more than happy for this to be closed as Working as intended and hope the above is useful to the next person. The change threw me that's all.
- πΊπΈUnited States thejimbirch Cape Cod, Massachusetts
The decision to list only content type recipes was intentional.
Drupal CMS does not have any patches to modules as the cweagans/composer-patches plugin you added is not approved to work with core's automatic updates module, which is what Project Browser uses to manage packages. There is an unapproved config you can set to work around this until they support additional composer packages. See: https://www.drupal.org/project/automatic_updates/issues/3437845#comment-... β¨ Support oomphinc/composer-installers-extender and wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin Active