- Issue created by @dabley
- πΊπΈUnited States mradcliffe USA
Thanks again.
Those instructions are outdated now that Drupal 7 is no longer supported and refer to the module from Drupal 7.
I think updating the README now that the module is mostly usable is needed and then updating the project page would be the next steps.
- Merge request !4Issue #3500928 by mradcliffe: Updates documentation β (Open) created by mradcliffe
- πΊπΈUnited States mradcliffe USA
I updated the README and project page, but the README has more in-depth documentation to explain what a strategy is and how they're used in some examples in the merge request.
Thanks very much for updating and clarifying. Just a couple of points:
1. The path to follow is Administration > Commerce > Configuration > Store > Xero Accounting Integration > Strategies
2. Where is the updated README? I looked at https://git.drupalcode.org/project/commerce_xero, but this shows the README.md hasn't been updated for a year, and contains very little beyond the installation instructions. There's more details about setup in DEVELOPER.md, but that also hasn't been updated for a year. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Sorry, I've just realised I should have been looking in https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/commerce_xero-3500928/-/tree/3500928-se....