- Issue created by @Oulalahakabu
- 🇫🇷France Oulalahakabu
oulalahakabu → changed the visibility of the branch 3499341-submit-button-without to hidden.
- 🇫🇷France S3b0uN3t Nantes
Thank you for your feedback and your proposed correction.
We will analyze your request as soon as possible.
- 🇫🇷France Oulalahakabu
Hi & thanks,
Currently working the Admin UI, focusing solely on node creation/edit, which includes major components like vertical tabs/various inputs. If you're interested in integrating these functionality into dsfr4drupal, please let me know (in an internal parent shared theme for now).
- 🇫🇷France S3b0uN3t Nantes
During various audits, we received feedback regarding the presence of the "value" attribute on a button HTML tag.
We will try to reproduce your bug in order to identify the origin of the problem.We are interested in learning about your forms implementation. We can communicate via Slack to simplify our discussions if you wish.
- 🇫🇷France Oulalahakabu
Here is my slack : https://gouvfr.slack.com/team/U04JLEJL8HH
- 🇫🇷France S3b0uN3t Nantes
I haven't access to "gouvfr" slack.
You can find me on Slack (with the same username) :
- Drupal (drupal)
- Drupal FR (drupalfr)
- Association Drupal France (drupalfrance)