- Issue created by @dev.drupal.ln
dev.drupal.ln → changed the visibility of the branch 3498388-add-support to hidden.
Currently, the Webform Content Creator module does not allow for the mapping of office hours fields to a node. This limits the functionality for those using Webforms to capture office hours data and integrate it into nodes created via the webform submissions.
1. Install and configure the Office Hours module on your Drupal site.
https://www.drupal.org/project/office_hours →
2. Create a webform that includes an office hours field (e.g., using the Office Hours module field).
3. Configure the Webform Content Creator module to create a node from the webform submission.
4. Submit the webform with valid office hours data.
5. After submission, the office hours field is not mapped to the node created.
It would be great if the Webform Content Creator module could be updated to support the mapping of office hours fields to nodes created from webform submissions. This enhancement would allow users to capture and display office hours as part of the node creation process.
dev.drupal.ln → changed the visibility of the branch 3498388-add-support to hidden.