- Issue created by @seeduardo
- Merge request !110Add ParagonIE Encoding dependency to composer.json. β (Open) created by seeduardo
- πΊπΈUnited States cmlara
Finally, I did and still do wonder why nobody else has reported the problem we had, that I could find anyway, especially seeing as that closed issue is so many years old now
christian-riesen/otp >= 2.4.0 Requires it as a dependency, likely anyone installing TFA after the change was committed obtained the latest version which pulled the dependency.
Ok many thanks for that @cmlara, makes sense - though what doesn't is that without the change I suggested (ie// adding in the ParagonIE dependency here directly), we get the abovementioned error in our system, where christian-riesen/otp ISN'T pulling in the ParagonIE dependency and we have to require it in our project-wide composer.json to proceed past login. Is it just because of the specific version number I stipulated? Is that what you mean by 'compatible'? Or something else? I'd be happy to give this more time if I can but any clues where/how to look most certainly welcome.
- πΊπΈUnited States cmlara
Is it just because of the specific version number I stipulated? Is that what you mean by 'compatible'?
Correct. The version chosen needs to not prevent us from installing the newer versions of the otp package.
Ok thanks. To clarify further to anyone else trying to follow this too, I'll try to explain further below, where for ease of reading OTP = christian-riesen/otp and CTE = paragonie/constant_time_encoding:
I think what @cmlara was trying to tell me is that even though TFA on the 8.x-1.x branch is currently pulling in OTP version 2.1, from version 2.4 OTP itself requires the same package my change was about, namely CTE. However, I was trying to get TFA to use version 3.0 of CTE, whereas OTP only specifies to use version 1.0 or 2.0, not any other. Even though version 3.0 of CTE solved the original problem for me and didn't cause any clashes right now, it would prevent the use of OTP from version 2.4 onwards in the future - so I simply downgraded the version of CTE required by TFA to 2.0 and updated the merge request, then retested - all was well with that on my end and I therefore hope that's right overall.