- Issue created by @selwynpolit
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser
Should be Display IDs listed in that drop down not display types if I rmeber right. Maybe try adding another display to your View to confirm?
- 🇺🇸United States selwynpolit
yes, that should be display id's (not display types). I did try it with additional displays but no luck. Works great with paragraphs. I'm trying to step through in the debugger but haven't found the cause yet. Any direction would be awesome.
- 🇺🇸United States selwynpolit
I've discovered that this behavior seems to be related to adding the views reference field filter module → . Sadly, once I've installed it on the site, even uninstalling the module doesn't allow me to select a display any more. No amount of clearing cache, exporting and reimporting config, deleting the field and reimporting it from config seems to help.
- 🇮🇳India dineshkumarbollu
Hi @selwynpolit
I am also facing same issue, views corresponding displays are not getting.
but when i change the form display in content type from
view reference autocomplete
view reference select list
then i am getting display items in select box in content. Can you check once
Thank you!! - 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser
Reproduced the issue, updated description to make it more generic. MR coming, one sec
- Merge request !79#3497201: Update to 'autocompleteclose' event for autocomplete widget → (Merged) created by scott_euser
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser
I'm not sure how it ever worked before, but maybe everyone just used the Select widget rather than the Autocomplete widget since mostly people don't have giant lists of Views. Or maybe something changed in Core Ajax. In any case, now I can autocomplete a View with Block and the Display field refreshed, and my Block appears.
Can you confirm if it solves it for you as well please?
- 🇺🇸United States selwynpolit
Now if I can just figure out the issue with Views Reference Field Filter 🐛 Argument #1 must be ViewEntityInterface, null given Active which handles displaying the exposed filters. ;-))
scott_euser →
committed df5e61e8 on 8.x-2.x
Issue #3497201 by scott_euser, selwynpolit: Views reference autocomplete...
scott_euser →
committed df5e61e8 on 8.x-2.x